Founded in 1997, San Diego Hua Xia Chinese School (SDHXCS) is a nonprofit, secular, and apolitical educational organization with 501(c)(3) status.  The school is the first local Chinese language school that teaches simplified Chinese and Pinyin (Chinese phonetic). 

          Our mission is to provide a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for students to acquire skills of comprehension, communication, reading and writing in Mandarin Chinese,to instill an awareness of the Chinese heritage, creating programs to introduce Chinese culture to the community, and to promote mutual understanding between different ethnic groups. 

          Our school grow rapidly since very beginning. With enrollment over 1,100 each school year, SDHXCS has become the largest Chinese language educational organization in San Diego.  Five programs (Bilingual, Regular, Credit, AP Chinese, and Enrichment) offer 60 Chinese classes and over 30 enrichment classes to meet the needs of our students with different levels of proficiency and interests.

          In 2003, SDHXCS's Credit Program (Level I through Level IV) was born. The program is widely accredited by local school districts. In 2006, AP Chinese course was added. The course is approved by and registered with College Board. The programs are fully accredited by ASC WACS (Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Colleges and Schools).



  SDHXCS is your best choice to learn Chinese language and culture !


Join us today!


 华夏特别新闻  Special Events & News

2023-08-19 SDHXCS First Day of School is Postponed to 8/27/2023 Due to Hurricane Hilary

2022-02-16 圣地亚哥华夏中文学校获得WASC官方认证

2021-05-25 2020-21学年圣地亚哥华夏中文学校AP班云毕业典礼和云谢师大会圆满落幕

2021-05-18 圣地亚哥华夏中文学校2020-21学年学分班优秀学生光荣榜

2020-05-26 2019-20学年圣地亚哥华夏中文学校AP班云毕业典礼圆满落幕

2020-05-18 2019-20学年圣地亚哥华夏中文学校学分班优秀学生光荣榜

2020-05-11 让孩子们真诚的呼吁走进你我心中

2020-04-17 光荣榜:华夏普通班朗诵比赛及学分班演讲比赛获奖名单

2018-11-08 全美中文学校协会季度通讯2018 第四期总第八十六期

2019-01-03 全美中文学校协会第十二届全国代表大会隆重召开,邢彬当选为第十三届会长

2018-11-08 全美中文学校协会季度通讯2018 第三期总第八十五期

2018-07-15 全美中文学校协会季度通讯2018 第二期总第八十四期

2018-06-13 开启金色人生 --记华夏学分CR4-1班

2018-04-30 全美中文学校协会季度通讯2018 第一期总第八十三期

2018-01-20 全美中文学校协会(CSAUS)夏令营预报名开始申请步骤  常见问题解答




Weekly Reminder 2014-09-18
Dear Hua Xia Families,
1) Enrichment class online registration is required. If you haven't visited the school website, please do so as soon as possible. Obtain your username and password from your Chinese class teacher. After changing your password, please make sure you write it down immediately and keep it in a safe place. We've been receiving many inquiries this week for forgotten password.
If you have trouble on username and password, please send an email to  该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 , with your student's name and class ID.
Click here for course schedule, course description and classroom assignment:
2) PTA is calling on more parents to become members, give suggestions and provide solutions to the school on subjects that you care and care for your children. PTA will have it's election soon, and you are the voters!  Remember, without parents' involvement, Hua Xia will not exist. 
     Please contact   该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 .
3) 1st PTA event this school year:  next week, 9/28, 10:00 - 11:00am, PTA room F-209.
          Becoming a Poll Worker, presented by Mr. Edward Lin, Chinese Voters Outreach Coordinator of County Registrar of Voters. Details listed in the flyer
4) PM Adult class. Currently, we only offer adult Yoga in the morning. However, we've been receiving inquiries for PM adult classes. We'd love to offer more classes that interest parents, but before anything can be planned, we encourage you to contact PTA  at  该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 ,  or send a message to  该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 , let the Admin know your interest in any subject.   
5) Last call for Trophy pick-up!  Trophies not picked up in May will be ready in the office on next Sunday, 9/28. Please claim yours from 10am to 1:30pm.
6) Contest on the Chinese Culture Knowledge, 10/12. Registration is still open..
5) Community event :
       - Bo Hua Youth Concert9/20, this Saturday.  Free!
       - Chinese Culture Night at PETCO Park9/20, this Saturday, featuring 2008 Olympics basketball champion, Jiang Shan.
       - Taste of Asia organized by House of China, 9/27 and 9/28, at Balboa Park. Volunteers needed! Please contact HOC directly.
Thank you, and see you all on Sunday!
Xing Bin
Weekly Reminder 2014-09-25
Dear Hua Xia Families,
1) Last call for Trophy pick-up!  Trophies not picked up in May will be ready in the office this Sunday, 9/28. Please claim yours from 10am to 1:30pm.
2)  Enrichment class payment due this Sunday. No refund, transfer or prorate starting this Sunday.
     Click here for course schedule, course description and classroom assignment:
3) PTA event10:00 - 11:00am, PTA room F-209.
          Becoming a Poll Worker, presented by Mr. Edward Lin, Chinese Voters Outreach Coordinator of County Registrar of Voters. Details listed in the flyer
4) Contest on the Chinese Culture Knowledge, 10/12. Registration is still open. Details attached.
5) PTA:  Room Parent meeting next Sunday, AM session 9:45-11:15; PM session 1:45-2:15
    Plan for the year.    contact   该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 .
    PTA will have it's election soon, and you are the voters!  Remember, without parents' involvement, Hua Xia will not exist. 
6) Community event :
       - Taste of Asia organized by House of China, 9/27 and 9/28, at Balboa Park. Flyers attached. Volunteers needed!   Please contact HOC directly. 
7) Congratulations!  SDHXCS young artist, AP student Miss Catherine Xu's Photo Exhibition and Fund raising:
Thank you, and I shall see you all on Sunday!
Xing Bin
Weekly Reminder 2014-10-09
Good evening Hua Xia Families!
1) Incident. Last Sunday afternoon, the fire alarm in H building went off, which caused the whole building evacuated.  Unfortunately, according to the police report, the incident was triggered by 2 of Hua Xia students. The two 14-year old were recorded by the police immediately.
I want to call everybody's immediate attention and to denounce such irresponsible behavior. It interrupts teaching process, disrupts the school order, and puts potential danger on all fellow students. Such behavior often leads to financial damage to our school as well.
I trust that most of our students have a good sense of what's right and what's wrong. I hope that we've all learned a lesson from this incident, and we make sure it won't happen again. For this, I suggest that our students follow the Student Guide closely, keep hands to yourselves, stay away from potential problems, and report to the authority whenever you see someone violating the rules.  
2) Contest on the Chinese Culture Knowledge will be held this Sunday, 10/12, from 9:30am to 11am, at PTA room. Contestants, please reschedule your class time with your teachers if it is conflict with the test. No make up test!
3) Chinese-speaking Poll workers needed. Please refer to the flyer for training and compensation information.
4)  Parents, you are highly encouraged to visit school website regularly for weekly news and other events. 
5) Halloween is coming!  Here are some pumpkin carving and non-carving decoration tips, as well as some of the family-friendly events happening in San Diego this month.
Pumpkin Carving
Martha Stewart provides the basics for carving
Taste of Home includes ideas for drilling and using cookie cutters 
Pumpkin Masters shares some free and spooky stencils for awesome designs 
Pumpkin Carving Alternatives
This Old House features 19 knife-free alternatives to carving
Country Living gives us 37 new ways to decorate our pumpkins 
Enjoy our sunshine! See you all on Sunday!
Xing Bin
Weekly Reminder 2014-10-02
Good evening, Hua Xia Families!
1) Room Parent meeting is on this Sunday, AM session 9:45-11:15; PM session 1:45-2:15. Location: PTA room F-209. Please make an effort to attend.
2) Join the PTA! It is a great place to channel your opinion with the Administration. That's where improvement of anything begins.  Please contact  该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 .
3) Visa service this Sunday, 10am - 2pm, in the office.
4) Most parent drivers have been very good following the school regulations and directions. However, there are still a very few parents stop and unload in the middle of the street, blocking traffics, or park at where it is not allowed. We have no choice but start posting photos of those violators in our weekly news. Hopefully, this will serve as a wake up call and help restore courtesies on campus.
5) Contest on the Chinese Culture Knowledge will be held on next Sunday, 10/12, from 9:30am to 11am, at PTA room. 20 students will participate this test!  Please reschedule your class time with your teachers if it is conflict with the test schedule. No make up test.
Thank you all for your assistance in making Hua Xia a better place!
Xing Bin
Weekly Reminder 2014-10-24
Dear Hua Xia Families,
1) PTA has started a hiking group starting this Sunday. Please see the flyer and sign up if you wish to join. 
    PTA room (F-209) opens every Sunday, 9:30-3:30 to all parents, unless it is reserved occasionally by the Admin for meetings or tests. 
    Parents, if you wish to have other activities, you may contact PTA or Admin. 
2) Want to be a model? Sign up and trained by the professionals! See the flyer for details. 
Thank you, and I shall see you all on Sunday!
Xing Bin

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