

STOP!填写注册表前请查阅本页面右上角的普通班双语普通班”、学分班”、双语学分班数学班”  "才艺班" 注册通知。


Ø  采用网上付费方式,快捷便利,一次成功,无需再多手续。使用信用卡的回馈对您是一个奖励!

Ø  网上付费后收据会自动送到您所填写的邮箱。请将此收据保留至2024-2025学年结束,以备日后查询或更改之用。如未收到收据,请检查trash /spam。请注意邮箱地址拼写正确!

Ø 注意!! 不能多次点击"submit"键,否则有可能产生多次付费。如果点击"submit"后系统无反应,请即退出申请程序,并马上以邮件联系我们。

Ø  请勿申请网上退款。如有任何原因需要退费,请参照下面“信息更改”。

Ø  选择支票方式付费附加手续费$20。

Ø  若无法网上付费而采用支票付费,请在提交表格后尽快寄支票到:SDHXCS, 7920 Arjons Drive, Suite H, San Diego, CA 92126。学费收讫后注册方视为完成。

Ø  报名后学生上课时间缺省和今年一样,如果需要换上课时间,注册完成后请提交“信息更改”申请。



Ø  提交注册表前请务必仔细检查所填各项资料,特别是学生年级,学校,邮箱地址等。

Ø  为防止重复注册,一旦注册提交成功,系统将不再允许注册同一学生。

Ø  如果提交并付费成功后需要更改注册内容(课程,年级,上课时间,退学等),请在此填写学生信息更改/退学申请表

Ø 咨询请联系:   

普通班 康健 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
学分 康健 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
数学班    卢明英 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
才艺 Jenny Zhang             This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
其它   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Ø  请直接至https://mycourses.sdhxcs.org登录自己的学生账号选课注册。

Ø  学生ID与2023_24学年一致

Ø  尚未登录过学校网站的学生,请向您的任课老师查询学生ID。

Ø  如果仍不能登录,请联系我们 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ø  登录后请参照“在校生注册指南”注册。

Ø  登录后必须更新学生的个人资料(所在学校,所在年级,等)方能继续。



San Diego Hua Xia Chinese School 2024-2025 Registration Instruction


Stop!   Look to the right side of this page, read the Regular Program, Bilingual ProgramCredit Program,  Credit Bilingual Program, Math Program and Enrichment Program Registration Policy before filling out forms.  

Pay online:

Ø Online payment is fast, easy, and convenient. Enjoy a reward too from your credit card company!

Ø  Attention!! Do not click "submit" more than once, it may cause multiple charges. If the system fails to respond, please retreat from the application and contact us immediately.

Ø  With online payment, an auto receipt will be sent to your student's email address immediately. Please keep the receipt till the end of the 2024-2025 school year in case you need to make changes.  Check your trash/spam if you don't see the auto receipt. Be sure to correctly spell out your email address!

Ø  Do Not apply for online credit card refund! Refund can only be done, upon request, by the Administration. Please refer to below " Update Information".

Ø  If unable to make online payment, you may choose pay by check. After submitting the registration, mail the check to: SDHXCS, 7920 Arjons Drive, Suite H, San Diego, CA 92126. Registration is complete only after payment is received.

Ø  The students by default will have the same class time for the new school year. If you plan to change your class time, please fill out and submit “Update Information” after your registration.


Update Information:

Ø  Before click "Submit" button, please check thoroughly that all info is correct, especially your student's email address.

Ø  To prevent multiple registration, the system will not accept the same application again once it has been successfully submitted.

Ø  To update your registration information (i.e. change program, grade level, class time, withdraw, etc.), please fill out Credit Program Registration Update/Withdraw Request or Regular Program Registration Update/Withdraw Request.

Ø  Still have questions? Please contact:

Regular Program Jian Kang This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Credit Program Jian Kang This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Math Program Mingying Lu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Enrichment Programs        Jenny Zhang             This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
General Questions   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Current Students:

Ø  Please log onto your student account at https://mycourses.sdhxcs.org,  and follow "Enrollment Instruction".

Ø  Your username (student ID) is the same as of 2023_24. 

Ø  If you have never logged in before and don't know your username (student ID), please contact your teacher.

Ø  Once logged in, follow "User's Guide" for application procedures.

Ø  Must update your personal profile (school name, grade level, etc.) before continuing on. 

Ø  Still have problem log in? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


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